Monday, November 26, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

We've run smack into the wall when it comes to money and our budget.  We are looking everywhere to tighten our belt loops so we don't drown.  One way of doing this is organizing all of our spending including food.

Things we're not willing to compromise on right now is eating organically and primally.  We've set a budget of $100 each week for a primal family of four.  We're doing this by stocking up on things that are on sale, using what we have and ignoring last minute cravings for specific food, and sticking to the plan.

This week, we spent about 60 bucks to fill in the spaces for what we didn't already have.  It's easy to do though the week after thanksgiving.  Our lunches will be leftover turkey, and a turkey stew I made on Sunday.  Dinners will be the variety listed below. :)

Monday: Turkey Stew, left over Turkey
Tuesday: Taco Salad
Wednesday: Morrocan Lamb Meatballs
Thursday: Breakfast
Friday: Bratwurst and cooked carrots
Saturday: Butterly Lamb
Sunday: Leftovers

All meals will have a salad.  Here's my favorite link of home made dressing!

Some of this weeks snacks will include:
Primal Almond Butter Pumpkin Brownies
Banana Bread

To see more fabulous menu plans, check out Organizing Junkie

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Primal Cranberry Sauce

I love cranberry sauce.  I think I'm the only person I know who really loves it.  I hate the jelly in the can, and lots of the relishes and other sauces at the store contain HFC and other stuff I try to avoid.  Luckily, it's really simple to make it yourself, and you can preserve it too so you can make it way ahead of time, or make lots and save some for Christmas.  This recipe has been modified from one of my favorite books, Preserving Summer's Bounty.

Here's what you'll need:

  • 5 cups of cranberries
  • 1/3 cup cranberry juice (apple juice works, too)
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

First, add your cranberries and juice into a stainless steel pan.  Over a medium low heat, simmer the berries and the juice until the berries get soft.

Next puree the mixture until it reaches a texture you like.  Dump it all back into your pot, and add the rest of your ingredients.  Let the mixture simmer for 5-10 minutes, or until it thickens.  This batch only took about 5 minutes.

If you plan on canning them.  Ladle them into 1/2 pint jars, process them in a water bath for 10 minutes or more depending on your altitude.  If you don't can, this should freeze well in proper containers for around 6 months.  Canned they can last up to two years.

This recipe will make 3 1/2 pint jars.  I find these jars perfect for a single feast.  They also make great gifts if you happen to find someone who loves cranberry sauce as much as you do!!
